Wednesday, January 9, 2008

For CoffeeTalk volunteers

There are lots of ways to help Coffee Talk if you can't make it Friday.
* preparing side dishes, snacks, desserts, etc. to drop off earlier in the week
* coming later Friday or Saturday morning to help clean up or put away dishes
* helping with administrative tasks like maintaining contact lists, updating the website, etc.
* coordinating or participating in special events or field trips
* meeting with students at other times to help with homework or conversation practice
* hosting a barbeque, party or karaoke night (at your place or the church)
* donating foreign language bibles or other Christian materials in different languages.
* doing some of the grocery shopping
* inviting international students over for Thanksgiving or just any homemade meal
* working at the InterVarsity information table at SCCC to let students know about CoffeeTalk
If you have any questions or can help please contact us.