Friday, October 26, 2007

October 26, 2007

Today's Topic:


Here some common superstitions in America-

It is bad luck to light three cigarettes with the same match.
It's good luck to find a four-leaf clover.
It's bad luck to pick up a coin if it's tails side up. Good luck comes if it's heads up.
Step on a crack, break your mother's back (Don't step on a crack on a sidewalk or walkway.).
If your nose itches you will soon be kissed by a fool.
It's bad luck if a black cat crosses your path
It's bad luck to walk under a ladder
To break a mirror means 7 years bad luck.


What are some superstitions in your country?
What brings good luck?
What brings bad luck?
Are you superstitious? Why or Why not?

There will be NO tutoring Tuesday October 30 or November 6th.

Tuesdays 4:00-5:30 Homework Help (hot beverages and snacks)
Fridays 4:00-5:30 Conversation Lounge (and dinner).
We always need help with set up and clean up if you have time. Please let us know.
Thank you.